Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Language Lessons, Vilcabamba, Ecuador

Kim and I took our first Spanish lessons with our teacher, Luz. She lives three doors (well, gates, really) down from us. I am happy to be learning the language as it has been something of a hindrance not knowing it so far. We've managed to feed and house ourselves and travel around as best we can, but knowing the language will only open up more doors (or gates).

A few days ago, an old man appeared at the gate to our yard with an empty pot. He was very friendly and introduced himself, but beyond that, neither he nor we could get much further in the conversation. What was that mysterious pot for?

We brought a mosquito net along with us. One of those last-minute frantic purchases that has proven useful. We rigged that up over our bed and it has so far eliminated the night-time mosquito bites, but our movement is constricted and it feels like we're sleeping in a small car.

Here is a picture of a small car -

small yellow and blue car

Thanks for the feedback on the blog. It's cool to know that people are reading. This is pretty much the main way I'm keeping in touch with people, so if I haven't been in touch directly, know that I have all of my friends and family in mind when I am writing this.


1 comment:

  1. Good call with the mosquito netting. Hope you're able to get rest and relaxation and that the buzzing isn't too much!
